20.51 Acres of land situated along the Western Side of Barranco Road, Approximately 2 miles from Midway Village, Toledo District..
Classification : CommercialProperty Type : For Sale
Price : 0.00 BZ$
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This property is located along the Western Side of Barranco Road, Approximately 2 miles from Midway Village, Toledo District. The highly functional Midway Community Center sits approximately 1 mile from the property. The Caribbean Sea and the beautiful and cultural village of Barranco with a population of an estimated 200 villagers are located approximately 3.6 miles from the property. The Moho River is located some 3 miles north east of the property. This property is also located approximately 3.5 miles from a little village known as Piebra with an estimated 170 villagers. This property is in its natural state of vegetation as mainly high bush and that can be developed for agricultural/commercial/residential uses.
This property is in its natural state of vegetation and offers approximately 646.3 feet of road frontage.
This property is in its natural state of vegetation and offers approximately 646.3 feet of road frontage.
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